Tatu Stars

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Time: 04:09 Size: 3.82 Mb Downloaded: 0 Views: 6



Tatu Stars Song Lyrics

How did we ever go this far
You touched my hand and start the car
And for the first time in my life, I am crying
Are we in space do we we belong
Some place where no-1 calls it wrong
And like the stars who burn away
The miles
How did we ever get this far
It shouldn't have to be this hard
Now for the first time in my life am flying
Are we in love? Do we deserve
To bear the shame of this whole world
And like the night we camouflage denial
How did we ever go this far
You touched my hand and start the car
And for the first time in my life, I am crying
Are we in love? Do we deserve
To bear the shame of this whole world
And like the night we camouflage denial


tatu stars
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