Tatu Fly on the Wall

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Fly on the WallTatu

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Tatu Fly on the Wall Song Lyrics

When you're naked
In the shower
When you're sleeping
For an hour
When you're big
When you're small
Oh, I wish I was a fly on the wall
When you're with her
After midnight,
When you kiss her
In the daylight,
When you break
By the dawn,
Oh, I wish I was a fly on the wall
Wanna see
Who you are
Every inch
Every scar
From your head to your toes
I would be there
From your bed to your clothes
I'm the air
When you think you're alone
I'll be down the hall
I could see it, if I was a fly on the wall
What you do in your room
I could see it all
You undress, I wish I was a fly on the wall
For the drama
That you're drinking
And the dark thoughts
You are thinking
And the love notes
That you scrawl
Oh, I wish I was a fly on the wall
I arrive
You don't know
I'm alive
From your head to your toes
I would be there
From your bed to your clothes
I'm the air
When you think you're alone
I'll be down the hall
I could see it, if I was a fly on the wall
What you do in your room
I could see it all
You undress, I wish I was a fly on the wall
Wish I was a fly on the wall
Ever closer
Ever nearer
When you're looking
In the mirror
I would know
Who you call
If I was a fly on the wall
From your head to your toes
I would be there
From your bed to your clothes
I'm the air
When you think you're alone
I'll be down the hall
I could see it, if I was a fly on the wall
What you do in your room
I could see it all
You undress, I wish I was a fly on the wall
Wish I was a fly on the wall
From your head to your toes
I would be there
From your bed to your clothes
I'm the air
What you do on your own
I could see all
When you think you're alone
I would crawl
When you think you're alone
I'll be down the hall
I could see it, if I was a fly on the wall
What you do in your room
I could see it all
You undress, I wish I was a fly on the wall


tatu fly the wall
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