Stephen Wavin

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Stephen Wavin Song Lyrics

Where you been where you been?

Here's some water to sip

This is not what you thinkIt's the hardest thing to say

We give up we give up

You're not enough not enough

Best of luck best of luck

You're not like anybody here

But what a fun little ride

Aren't you happy we tried?

Well while I'm here while I'm here

I ain't mad I ain't scared

I understand what you feel

But I'm just trying to find my way

And I don't care what you think

This is love this is love

This is god this is trust

And now I know I'm on my way

Cause I believe I believe

Still believe still believe

Even if we're falling from the stars

Yeah I really care about ya

I care a lot about ya

Even if you don't know what you've lost

Yeah I really care about ya

I care a lot about ya

I'll be waving, I'll be waving

I'll be waving, I'll be waving

I'll be waving, I'll be waving

This is me this is me

You can take it or leave

'Cause now I know what I'm not

I'm not like anybody here

I don't play by the rules

You can call me a fool

But I got nothing to lose

And if you opened up your eyes

You would see what I see

Instead of doubting the dream

Instead of doubting the dream


Even if we're falling from the stars

Yeah I really care about ya

I care a lot about ya

Even if you don't know what you've lost

Yeah I really care about ya

I care a lot about ya

I'll be waving, I'll be waving

I'll be waving, I'll be waving

I'll be waving, I'll be waving

Set me on fire babe

Take me to the top

Everything I want lately

Is not enough

"This humbleness, this home, this ember, this stillness, speaks without having to be spoken, there's nothing it has to say, it just there"

I'll set you, I'll set you, I'll set you on fire

Set me on fire babe

Take me to the top

Everything I want lately

Is not enough

But if you're chasing I got places

That I know will fix you up

I'll set you on fire baby

We'll be alright


stephen wavin
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