Stephen Crossfire

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Stephen Crossfire Song Lyrics

He'd trade his guns for love
But he's caught in the crossfire
And he keeps wakin' upBut it's not to the sound of birds

The tyranny
The violent streets
Deprived of all that we're blessed with
And we can't get enough, no

Heaven, if you sent us down
So we can build a plague around
For the sinners
To play as saints
You'd be so proud of what we made

I hope you got some beds around
'Cause you're the only refuge now
For every mother
Every child
Every brother
That's caught in the crossfire
That's caught in the crossfire

I'd trade my luck to know
Why he's caught in the crossfire
And I'm here wakin' up
To the sun and the sound of birds

Society's anxiety
Deprived of all that we're blessed with
We just can't get enough, no

Heaven, if you sent us down
So we can build a plague around
For the sinners
To play as saints
You'd be so proud of what we made

I hope you got some beds around
'Cause you're the only refuge now
For every mother
Every child
Every brother
That's caught in the crossfire
That's caught in the crossfire

Can I trust what I'm given
When faith still needs a gun
Whose ammunition
Justifies the wrong?
And I can't see
From the backseat
So I'm asking from above
Can I trust what I'm given
Even when it cuts?

So heaven if you sent us down
So we can build a plague around
For the sinners
To play as saints
You'd be so proud of what we made

I hope you got some beds around
'Cause you're the only refuge now
For every mother
And every child
Every brother
That's caught in the crossfire
That's caught in the crossfire

Who's caught in the crossfire
Who's caught on the crossfire baby, baby
Who's caught on the cross
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