Sofi Tukker feat Charlie Barker-Good Time Girl

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feat Charlie Barker-Good Time GirlSofi Tukker

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Sofi Tukker feat Charlie Barker-Good Time Girl Song Lyrics

When I said it out loud, it wasn't as strong as it was in my head
I tried not to think about it, so it came back louder
I think it's been about a year since I became a snobDecided not to play along, so it grew bigger

Me and my head have become very, very, very close
We've decided not to tell you, to tell you about it
We're just gonna play it safe
Do what we know
Play it cool, lay it low
Not tell you about it
And here I am playing by myself
Me and my superiority complex
And here I am playing by myself
Me and my inferiority contest
I'm not winning, but I'm having a very good time

You can call me, you can call me
You can call me the good time girl

When I said it out loud, it didn't sound as good
I couldn't be as proud of my original thought
I'm not trying to whisper what should be bought
But I can't imagine being out of control
I knocked off the top, my head and I
When I'm all alone but way in my prime
Don't want the throne when I'm doing just fine
Just as long as I'm having a real good time

Me and my head have become very, very, very close
We've decided not to tell you, to tell you about it
We're just gonna play it safe
Do what we know
Play it cool, lay it low
Not tell you about it
And here I am playing by myself
Me and my superiority complex
And here I am playing by myself
Me and my inferiority contest
I'm not winning, but I'm having a very good time

You can call me, you can call me
You can call me the good time girl
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