Snow Patrol Empress

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EmpressSnow Patrol

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Snow Patrol Empress Song Lyrics

You're angry but you don't know how to be that yet
It seems too much went wrong and all at once
Resistance seems impossible from down this low
And surely no one else can feel like this
But on the streets
You can see them gathering
And in your heart
You know they feel like you do
Sound and pulse and volume
Hands just reaching out for hands
This is almost overload
I said almost overload
Friends and foes and princes
Are all just human in the end
This is so damn simple, yeah
It's so damn simple
So standing in the steady throng of restless hope
You don't feel like an outcast anymore
And something deep inside of you has wakened up
And you know that nothing's gonna be the same again
And on these streets
You can see for what seems miles
Because in your heart
You know they feel like you do
Sound and pulse and volume
Hands just reaching out for hands
This is almost overload
I said almost overload
Friends and foes and princes
Are all just human in the end
This is so damn simple, yeah
It's so damn simple
Your mind won't be still
It may not again
You don't think it will
But it will, it will
Sound and pulse and volume
Hands just reaching out for hands
This is so damn simple, yeah
It's so damn simple
This is so damn simple, yeah
This is so damn simple
This is so damn simple, yeah
This is so damn simple
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