Shaggy Angel (feat Rayvon)

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Angel (feat Rayvon)Shaggy

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Shaggy Angel (feat Rayvon) Song Lyrics

Now this one's dedicated to all the youths
Who want to say nice things to all them girls
Treat her like diamonds and pearls
Dedicated to all the girls around the world
Now this is Rayvon and Shaggy with a combination you can't miss
Flip this one 'pon the musical disc
Ah, ah, ah, wah, wah, wah
Girl, you're my angel
You're my darling angel
Closer than my peeps you are to me, baby
Shorty, you're my angel
You're my darling angel
Girl, you're my friend
When I'm in need, lady
Life is one big party when you're still young
But who's gonna have your back when it's all done (Yeah)
It's all good when you're little, you have pure fun
Can't be a fool, son, what about the long run?
Looking back shorty always ah mention
Said me not giving her much attention (Yeah)
She was there through my incarceration
I wanna show the nation my appreciation
Girl, you're my angel
You're my darling angel
Closer than my peeps you are to me, baby
Shorty, you're my angel
You're my darling angel
Girl, you're my friend
When I'm in need, lady
You're a queen and that's how you should be treated (Ah)
Though you never get the lovin' that you needed (Yah)
Could have left, but I called and you heeded
Begged and I pleaded, mission completed
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