Scorpions Lonely Nights

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Lonely NightsScorpions

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Time: 04:47 Size: 4.40 Mb Downloaded: 0 Views: 97


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Scorpions Lonely Nights Song Lyrics

Since you're gone
There is an empty space
Since you're gone
The world is not the same
I go back to the places we've been
It feels like you're still there
I live all those moments again
Wishing you were here
Since you're gone
There is an lonely heart
Since you're gone
Nothin' is like it was
There are memories all over the place
Bringin' it back all so clear
Remember all of those days
Wishing you were here
All those lonely nights
I gotta fight for you, yes I do
Yes I do
Since you're gone
There is a heart that bleeds
Since you're gone
I'm not the man I used to be
I follow you steps in the snow
The traces disappear
We know what we've lost when it's gone
I'm wishing you were here
All those lonely nights
I gotta fight for you, yes I do
Yes I do
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