Sami Yusuf Never Never

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Never NeverSami Yusuf

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Sami Yusuf Never Never Song Lyrics

Sami Yusuf Never Never Şarkı Sözleri

I'll never leave
'Cos for you I dream
How can I stay away
Your light is all I need
Your love is all I need

Aye sanam noori
Tujse kaisee dooree
Jene ko teree
Roshanee zaroore [x2]
(Oh my effulgent beloved
Why should there be a distance.
To live all is sufficient
The need of your light the need of your light)

Why I won't lie
I won't even try
'Cos I'm never going to be the one to
end this love
And I'm never going to be the one
who dares to take my eye away from you
I'm never going to be the one who
dares to leave you
'Cos I won't be alone
Your love is all I need I want to see where this love will take me
'Cos all I want is to be with you
Your love is all I need
So don't ever leave

Aye sanam noori
Khawaeshein teree.
Chahath hain meree
Zindagee hain meree [x2]
(Oh my effulgent beloved
Your requests are my desires
They are also my life)

Why I won't lie
I won't even try
'Cos I'm never going to be the one to
end this love
And I'm never going to be the one
who dares to take my eye away from you
I'm never going to be the one who
dares to leave you
'Cos I won't be alone Your love is all I need


Why I won't lie
I won't even try
'Cos I'm never going to be the one to
end this love
And I'm never going to be the one
who dares to take my eye away from you
I'm never going to be the one who
dares to leave you
'Cos I won't be alone
Your love is all I need

Birakmam seni, asla terk etmem
Sen isik sen gunes, ben senin golgen
Sense birtanem, vurgunum sana
Asla vazgecmem, kalbimde sen varsin
Askindan donmem, asla terk etmem
(I can't leave you, Never could I abandon you
You are the light, you are the sun,
while I am merely a shadow
You, my one and only, Struck on you,
I would never give up (loving you),
you are the one in my heart I can't turn away from your love,
never could I abandon you)

Why I won't lie, I won't even try
'Cos I'm never going to be the one to end this love
And I'm never going to be the one
who dares to take my eye away from
you I'm never going to be the one who dares to leave you
'Cos I won't be alone
Your love is all I need
'Cos I'm never going to be the one to end this love
I'm never going to leave you
I'll never leave
I won't ever leave
I won't ever leave
'Cos your love is all I need
And I'm never going to leave
And I know that you see
How much you mean to me
I won't ever leave
Never, never leave

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