Sami Yusuf Fragile World

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Fragile WorldSami Yusuf

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Sami Yusuf Fragile World Song Lyrics

Sami Yusuf Fragile World Şarkı Sözleri

I know that I'm not alone
What I've seen, has been seen before
But it hurts just like a thorn
A pain I've never felt before
My heart says: 'Just speak the truthBut my mind says: 'Don't be a foolNeed to get something off my mind
Don't let this silence be misunderstood
I don't know where my heart will take me
But I know your light will protect me
From this fragile world
I don't know where I'm destined to be
Rich or poor, famous, loved or lonely
But I know, without your light I'll never cope
In this fragile world

Did you think you can silence me?
With your lies, games and deceit?
You can continue robbing me
But you won't rob my dignity
I know that life is just a game
An illusion that will fade
Cheat and lie, have it your way
But you can't cheat death, no way
I don't know where my heart will take me
But I know your light will protect me
From this fragile world
I don't know where I'm destined to be
Rich or poor, famous, loved or lonely
But I know, without your light, I'll never cope
In this fragile world

Life's just a game
An illusion that will fade
Cheat and lie have it your way
But you can't cheat death, no way

I don't know where my heart will take me
But I know your light will protect me
From this fragile world
I don't know where I'm destined to be
Rich or poor, famous, loved or lonely
But I know, without your light I'll never cope
In this fragile world

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