Rod Stewart Young Turks

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Young TurksRod Stewart

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Rod Stewart Young Turks Song Lyrics

Billy left his home with a dollar in his pocket and a head full of dreams.
He said somehow, some way, it's gotta get better than this.
Patti packed her bags, left a note for her momma, she was just seventeen,
There were tears in her eyes when she kissed her little sister goodbye.
They held each other tight as they drove on through the night they were so excited.
We got just one shot of life, let's take it while we're still not afraid.
Because life is so brief and time is a thief when you're undecided.
And like a fistful of sand, it can slip right through your hands.
Young hearts be free tonight. Time is on your side,
Don't let them put you down, don't let 'em push you around,
Don't let 'em ever change your point of view.
Paradise was closed so they headed for the coast in a blissful manner.
They took a two room apartment that was jumping ev'ry night of the week.
Happiness was found in each other's arms as expected, yeah
Billy pierced his ears, drove a pickup like a lunatic, ooh!
Young hearts be free tonight.Time is on your side,
Don't let them put you down, don't let 'em push you around,
Don't let 'em ever change your point of view.
Young hearts be free tonight.
Time is on your side.
Billy wrote a letter back home to Patti's parents tryin' to explain.
He said we're both real sorry that it had to turn out this way.
But there ain't no point in talking when there's nobody list'ning so we just ran away
Patti gave birth to a ten pound baby boy, yeah!
Young hearts be free tonight, time is on your side.
Young hearts be free tonight, time is on your side.
Young hearts be free tonight, time in on your side.
Young hearts gotta run free, be free, live free
Time is on, time is on your side
Time, time, time, time is on your side
Is on your side
Is on your side
Is on your side
Young heart be free tonight
Tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, yeah
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