Rod Stewart Shake

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ShakeRod Stewart

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Rod Stewart Shake Song Lyrics

Listen while I talk to you
Tell you what we're goin' to do
There's a new thing goin' around
And I'll tell you what they're puttin' down
Move your body all around
Just shake, got to, got to do it baby
Shake, keep on pushin' baby
Shake, oh, a little louder baby
Shake, baby, everybody
Shakin' like a bowl of soup
Makin' your body loop de loop
Put your hand on your hip bone
Come on, and make your backbone slip
Move your body like a whip
Just shake, got to, little louder baby
Shake, lookin' good child
Shake, keep on pushin' baby
Shake, baby, everybody
Ding a ling a ling
Honey, shakin' is the latest thing
But if you really roll
You got to do the thing with soul
Shakin' like a bowl of soup
Make your body loop de loop
Put your hand on your hip bone
Come on, and let your backbone slip
Make your body loop a lot
Just shake, you got to do it baby
Shake, oh, yeah, lookin' good child
Shake, Lord, in the mornin'
Got to shake, baby, everybody
Ah, you're lookin' good baby, much
Come on and move it up its shoulder
If you wanna really roll
Got to do the thing with soul
Put your hand on your hip
Honey, shake it like a crazy whip
Make your body move up
Just shake, got to, keep on pushin' baby
Shake, a little louder baby
Shake, you're lookin' good child
Shake, everybody got to shake
Up in the morning got to do him a shake
Most every evenin' got to shake it around
Got to, got to, got to do him a shake
You better shake it, shake it on down baby
Well, every evenin' got to do him a shake
Move every evenin' got to do him a shake

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