Rita Ora Bang Bang (feat Imanbek)

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Bang Bang (feat Imanbek)Rita Ora

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Rita Ora Bang Bang (feat Imanbek) Song Lyrics

Bang bang, na na na na na
Bang bang, na na na na na
Oh my god think I'm in trouble

[Verse 1]
Ooh, you showed up and made me wonder
Looking fun but kinda dangerous too
Yeah yeah, ooh, I can lift it off the ground
I don't know what you've done but it's just too good (Oh, yeah)

Ooh, you've got something, think I want it
'Cause I never felt the way that I do
Yeah, when I'm with you, you
It's so hard to see through you and that's why I want it

Bang bang, look what you started
Bang bang, straight to my heart
It skipped a beat, you feel like trouble
Bang bang, baby I've got it
Bad bad, look what you started
Oh my god think I'm in trouble

Bang bang, na na na na na
Bang bang, na na na na na
Oh my god think I'm in trouble
Bang bang, na na na na na
Bang bang, na na na na na
Oh my god think I'm in trouble

[Verse 2]
Ooh, what's the core of our connection?
Is it just that I know I'm bound to lose? (yeah, yeah)
Ooh, you're a fire, my obsession
And want all of your devotion for good, yeah

Ooh ooh, you got something, think I want it
'Cause I never felt the way that I do, yeah
When I'm with you, you, it's so hard to see through you
And that's why I want it

Bang bang, look what you started
Bang bang, straight to my heart
It skipped a beat, you feel like trouble
Bang bang, baby I've got it
Bad bad, look what you started
Oh my god think I'm in trouble

Bang bang, na na na na na
Bang bang, na na na na na
Oh my god think I'm in trouble
Bang bang, na na na na na
Bang bang, na na na na na
Oh my god think I'm in trouble

Ooh, ooh
Ooh ooh, you got something, think I want it
'Cause I never felt the way that I do, yeah
When I'm with you, you, it's so hard to see through you
And that's why I want it

Bang bang, look what you started
Bang bang, straight to my heart
It skipped a beat, you feel like trouble
Bang bang, baby I've got it
Bad bad, look what you started
Oh my god think I'm in trouble

Bang bang, na na na na na
Bang bang, na na na na na
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