Rewshan Cheliker Taxa Filla

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Taxa FillaRewshan Cheliker

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Rewshan Cheliker Taxa Filla Song Lyrics

Ne min go ji te re em neçin taxa van filan
Were diyarê werdekan,
Were diyarê werdekan çavên bi kilan
Memikê wana sêv in wek top û gulan
Welle wê ji me bibin,
Bille wê ji me bibin meheba dila
Çend car min got ji te re em neçin taxa wan
Bejina wan zirav in,
Bejina wan zirav in mînanî hêlan
Kenê wan dirijin ji dev û lêvan
Welle wê ji me bibin,
Bille wê ji me bibin ax dîn û îman
Hin ji wan cotecot in, hin çareçar in
Hin ji wan qey bi dost in,
Hin ji wan qey bi dost in hinek bi yar in
Hin ji wan rûkê wana sêva ser dar in
Hin ji wan min çinî hişt,
Hin ji wan min çinî hişt hinek min xwar in.
Ax min rû kur kirin simbêla berdan
Tu ji min bawer bike,
Tu ji min bawer bike bike biguman
Çi dîn îman hebû ew jî min berdan
Tizbiya destê min jî,
Tizbiya destê min jî ma li taxa wan
Sana demedim mi gitmeyelim bu Gavur Mahallesine diye
Gel sunalar diyarına,
Gel sürme gözlü sunalar diyarına.
Elmayı andırır sineleri, top ve gülle gibi
Vallahi de billahi de alırlar bizden gönüller sultanını
Kaç defa dedim gitmeyelim onların mahallesine
Selvi boyludurlar,
Selvi boyludurlar sıra sıra dizilmiş
Gülücükler dökülür ağız ve dudaklarından
Vallahi de billahi de ederler bizi dinden imandan
Kimi çifter , kimi dörder
Sanki kiminin dostu var, kiminin yari
Kimi elma yanaklı
Kimi yolup bıraktı beni ,
Kimi yedi bitirdi.
Ah sakallarımdan vazgeçtim,
Bıraktım kaytan bıyıkları
İnan bana,
İnan bana, kuşkusuz inan
Ettiler beni dinden imandan
Ah elimdeki tesbih
Elimdeki tesbih bile kaldı mahallelerinde
Didn’t I tell you, that we shouldn’t go to the Christian neighborhood.
Come to the land of the drake,
Come to the land of the drake, the land of eye-lined eyes.
Their breasts are apples, like balls and canons,
They will steal from us, our heart conversation.
How many times did I tell you, we shouldn’t to go to their neighborhood.
Their bodies are slim,
Their bodies are slim all lined up
Their laughters are pouring out, through their mouths and lips.
I swear they will steal both our religion and faith.
Some walk around in couples, and others in fours.
Some have darlings, and others have lovers.
Some of them have faces like apples on trees.
Some which plucked me and others ate me up.
Oh, I cut of my beard and left my mustache
Believe you me, approach them with suspicion.
Whatever religion and faith I had in me, I abandoned.
Even the rosary I had in my hand, got left in their neighborhood.
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