Rewshan Cheliker Sari Sirun Yar

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Sari Sirun YarRewshan Cheliker

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Time: 05:07 Size: 4.70 Mb Downloaded: 1 Views: 80 Category: Kurdish


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Rewshan Cheliker Sari Sirun Yar Song Lyrics

hazar nazov yar hoveri het yek,
dzağik pınjelov sarvori het yek,
sev dzios vra dzer gyuğn em yekel,
dourıd pak tesel molor mınatsel.

sari sirun yar, sari mekhak ber,
akh, çe, inç mekhak, siro krak ber.

hazar mi dzağki mej es metsatsel,
dzağkants tsoğerov mazerıd tatsel,
mazerid buyrı hervits e kalis,
zepyurı berum srtis e talis.

sari sirun yar, sari mekhak ber,
akh, çe, inç mekhak, siro krak ber.

erb ko hayatskı yerknin es harum,
var astğern ases nor luys en arnum,
ko dzayn en arnum havk ou hoverı,
akh, erb karnem es ko matağ serı;

sari sirun yar, sari mekhak ber,
akh, çe, inç mekhak, siro krak ber.

sarits e kalis es arvi jourı,
berum e, yar, ko buyrn u hambuyrı,
aşot, te karas, ko erg u hangov,
yarid kakhardir, toğ toun ga handov.
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