Red Hot Chili Peppers Road Trippin

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Road TrippinRed Hot Chili Peppers

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Red Hot Chili Peppers Road Trippin Song Lyrics

Red Hot Chili Peppers Road Trippin Sözleri

Road trippin' with my two favorite allies
Fully loaded we got snacks and supplies
It's time to leave this town
It's time to steal away
Let's go get lost
Anywhere in the U.S.A.

Let's go get lost
Let's go get lost

Blue you sit so pretty
West of the one
Sparkles light with yellow icing
Just a mirror for the sun
Just a mirror for the sun
Just a mirror for the sun

These Smiling eyes are just a mirror for

So much as come before those battles lost and
This life is shining more forever in the sun
Now let us check our heads And let us check the surf
Staying high and dry's
More trouble than it's worth
In the sun

Just a mirror for the sun
Just a mirror for the sun
Just a mirror for the sun

These Smiling eyes are just a mirror for

In Big Sur we take some time to linger on
We three hunky dory's got our snakefinger on
Now let us drink the stars
It's time to steal away
Let's go get lost
Right here in the U.S.A


These smiling eyes are just a mirror for
These smiling eyes are just a mirror for
Your smiling eyes are just a mirror for...
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