Radical Noise Offline Detector

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Offline DetectorRadical Noise

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Time: 02:48 Size: 2.58 Mb Downloaded: 0 Views: 164


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Radical Noise Offline Detector Song Lyrics

It's the nuclear waste around the world
The chemicals which are thrown
To the thirld world from the first one
Filth of inner greed, rape the mother earth
Fuck the wars on faith for a race
United nations, a two faced game
İntervention to settle the peace means
A new war, a new disease
İt's a worldwide tragedy everyone watches on tv
İ know its too typical but this world is dying slowly
And you're still asking for a free new world
Here it is at the edge of a deadly threshold
We're in war
Not so natural
İt's a worldwide
Can u be that calm when it happens to you
Can u be that faceless that you're asking for a proof
The poison in you is the poison in me
The pain you'll feel is the pain we're in
İt's the war on land and freedom
Divided nations, free to doom
New world order always wants more
A fake peace for a war
There is no peace
İ know it is hard to believe
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