Pink Floyd Comfortably Numb

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Comfortably NumbPink Floyd

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Time: 06:54 Size: 6.33 Mb Downloaded: 0 Views: 10


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Pink Floyd Comfortably Numb Song Lyrics

Hello? (Hello? Hello? Hello?)

Is there anybody in there?

Just nod if you can hear me

Is there anyone home?

Come on now

I hear you're feeling down

Well I can ease your pain

Get you on your feet again


I'll need some information first

Just the basic facts

Can you show me where it hurts?

There is no pain you are receding

A distant ship smoke on the horizon

You are only coming through in waves

Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying

When I was a child I had a fever

My hands felt just like two balloons

Now I've got that feeling once again

I can't explain you would not understand

This is not how I am

I have become comfortably numb

I have become comfortably numb

Okay (okay, okay, okay)

Just a little pinprick

There'll be no more, ah

But you may feel a little…
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