Pet Shop Boys Rent

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RentPet Shop Boys

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Pet Shop Boys Rent Song Lyrics

You dress me up, I'm your puppet
You buy me things, I love it
You bring me food, I need it
You give me love, I feed it
And look at the two of us in sympathy
With everything we see
I never want anything, it's easy
You buy whatever I need
But look at my hopes, look at my dreams
The currency we've spent
I love you, you pay my rent
I love you, you pay my rent
You phone me in the evening on hearsay
And bought me caviar
You took me to a restaurant off Broadway
To tell me who you are
We never-ever argue, we never calculate
The currency we've spent
I love you, you pay my rent
I love you, you pay my rent
I love you, you pay my rent
I'm your puppet
I love it
And look at the two of us in sympathy
And sometimes ecstasy
Words mean so little, and money less
When you're lying next to me
But look at my hopes, look at my dreams
The currency we've spent
I love you, you pay my rent
I love you, you pay my rent
I love you, you pay my rent
Look at my hopes, look at my dreams
The currency we've spent
I love you, you pay my rent
I love you, you pay my rent
Look at my hopes, look at my dreams
The currency we've spent
I love you, you pay my rent
I love you, you pay my rent
I love you, you pay my rent (It's easy, it's so easy)
You pay my rent (It's easy, it's so easy)
You pay my rent (It's easy, it's so easy)
I love you (It's easy, it's so easy)
(It's easy, it's so easy)
(It's easy, it's so easy)
(It's easy, it's so easy)
(It's easy, it's so easy)
(It's easy, it's so easy)
(It's easy, it's so easy)


pet shop boys rent
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