One Direction What a Feeling

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What a FeelingOne Direction

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One Direction What a Feeling Song Lyrics

One Direction What a feeling Şarkı Sözleri
Through the wire, through the wire, through the wire
I'm watching her dance, dress is catching the light
In her eyes, there's no lies, no lies
But there's no question, she's not in a disguise
With no way out and a long way down
Everybody needs someone around
And I can't hold you too close now
Through the wire, through the wire 
What a feeling to be right here beside you now
Holding you in my arms, when the air ran out
And we both started running wild, the sky fell down
But you've got stars they're in your eyes
And I've got something missing tonight
What a feeling to be a king beside you somehow
I wish I could be there now
Through the wire, through the wire, through the wire
I'm watching you like this, imagining you're mine
It's too late, it's too late, am I too late?
Tell me now, am I running out of time?
With no way out and a long way down
Everybody needs someone around
But I can't hold you too close now
Through the wire, through the wire
What a feeling to be right here beside you now
Holding you in my arms, when the air ran out
And we both started running wild, the sky fell down
But you've got stars they're in your eyes
And I've got something missing tonight
What a feeling to be a king beside you somehow
I wish I could be there now
Whatever chains are holding you back, holding you back
Don't let 'em tie you down
Whatever chains are holding you back, holding you back
Tell me you believe in that 
What a feeling to be right here beside you now
Holding you in my arms, when the air ran out
And we both started running wild, the sky fell down
But you've got stars they're in your eyes
And I've got something missing tonight
What a feeling to be a king beside you somehow
I wish I could be there now
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