Nea Dedicated

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Nea Dedicated Song Lyrics

Everything, everything's gonna be okay
If you leave then you know that my heart will break
But I'll find someone else who'll be dedicated
If you walked out
I would have another reason
To get wasted with my friends on the weekend
And I would have the time to see them
I could focus on myself for the season
Now you're pushing for reactions
So you can tell everyone that I'm batshit
Babe, I'm tired of all the chasing
Does it hurt you when I'm saying
Yeah, yeah
Everything, everything's gonna be okay
If you leave then you know that my heart will break
But I'll find someone else who'll be dedicated
If you walked out
Everything, everything's gonna be okay
I might cry on the floor for a couple days
But I'll find someone else who'll be dedicated
If you walked out (if you walked out)
Maybe you will lay and listen
That I'm not somebody you'll be forgetting
You think about me when you're restless
When the sky is red and the sun is setting
If you don't wanna be my baby
Go ahead tell everyone that I'm crazy
You got me tired of the chasing
Does it hurt you when I'm saying
Yeah, yeah
Everything, everything's gonna be okay
If you leave then you know that my heart will break
But I'll find someone else who'll be dedicated
If you walked out
Everything, everything's gonna be okay
I might cry on the floor for a couple days
But I'll find someone else who'll be dedicated
If you walked out (if you walked out)
If you walked out (if you walked out)
Go ahead and leave right now
If you don't want me I want you to walk out
Go ahead and leave right now (you can go ahead)
Go ahead and leave right now (leave right now)
If you don't want me I want you to walk out (just go ahead)
Go ahead and leave right now
If you don't want me I want you to walk out
Everything, everything's gonna be okay
If you leave then you know that my heart will break
But I'll find someone else who'll be dedicated
If you walked out
Everything, everything's gonna be okay
I might cry on the floor for a couple days
But I'll find someone else who'll be dedicated
If you walked out (if you walked out)
If you walked out (if you walked out)
If you walked out (if you walked out)


nea dedicated
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