Mustafa Ceceli Ben Yururum Yane Yane

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Ben Yururum Yane YaneMustafa Ceceli

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Mustafa Ceceli Ben Yururum Yane Yane Song Lyrics

I am walking, burning, burning
Love has stained my heart with yearning
Neither crazy nor discerning -Come see, come see, what love has done to me

Gel gör beni beni aşk neyledi

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One day like the winds I'm blowing
One day like the roads I'm going
One day like the floods I'm flowing
Come see, come see, what love has done to me
Gel gör beni beni aşk neyledi
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Gel gör beni beni aşk neyledi
Derde giriftar eyledi
Take my hand and keep me staying -
Take me else, to You conveying
No more tears, for laughs I'm praying
Come see, come see, what love has done to me
Gel gör beni beni aşk neyledi
Derde giriftar eyledi
Walking round with Majnun's madness
Seeing Her in dreams my gladness
Waking up again in sadness
Come see, come see, what love has done to me
Gel gör beni beni aşk neyledi
Derde giriftar eyledi
I am Yunus, poor and stricken
From my exile my steps quicken
Head to toe I hurt and sicken
Come see, come see, what love has done to me
Gel gör beni beni aşk neyledi
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Ben yürürüm yane yane
Aşk boyadı beni kane
Ne akilem ne divane
Gel gör beni aşk neyledi
Gel gör beni beni aşk neyledi
Derde giriftar eyledi
Gel gör beni beni aşk neyledi
Derde giriftar eyledi
Come see, come see, what love has done to me
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