Mem Ararat feat Songul Gunay-Rindeka Dersimi

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feat Songul Gunay-Rindeka DersimiMem Ararat

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Time: 02:53 Size: 2.66 Mb Downloaded: 0 Views: 106 Category: Kurdish


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Mem Ararat feat Songul Gunay-Rindeka Dersimi Song Lyrics

Xebera asmadere asme vecero
Min u yarê sero melemamin yakero
Astere asmeni sade canê mabo
Siliya sepeliya usarê ma sero bivaro

Erê dilê le le uy delalamin
Erê dilê le le uy roalamin

Sevdamo yarê sano meqise cacimi
Ez kerde mecnun rindeka Dersimî
Welamin sanara ze nakeremi
Zindane miri poyina ze Memeali
Gorin û Musîk: Delîl Xidir
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