Meghan Trainor Bang Dem Sticks

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Bang Dem SticksMeghan Trainor

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Meghan Trainor Bang Dem Sticks Song Lyrics

I love it when it's loud
I love it when it's big
You can feel it in the crowd
Come on bang dem sticks
I said I love it when it's loud
I love it when it's big
'Cause you can feel it in the crowd
Come on bang dem sticks
Till I'm drummer, sicker than the swine flu
Don't really need medication
He got a tissue
And when he bang bang, don't need to bug him
But he might be smoother than my, my favorite copy when it plays
He got a hold on me
And erase, you got the winning streak
And ain't nobody got a drummer like mine
He can bang dem sticks, he can throw them high
I got a thing for a drummers
Had a big chase of my heart
I gotta thing for drummers
So baby show off all them tricks and bang them sticks
I got a thing for a drummers
Had a big chase of my heart
I gotta thing for drummers
So baby show off all them tricks and bang them sticks
I love it when it's loud
I love it when it's big
You can feel it in the crowd
Come on bang dem sticks
I said I love it when it's loud
I love it when it's big
'Cause you can feel it in the crowd
Come on bang dem sticks
I don't think they're ready, it's ok
Triple it, triple it, all that shit
He looking so good when he bang them sticks
He can do the favorite little with a little of samba
And all the girls, I want your drummer's number
But what a minute, what trick is going on?
You're here to see him train because you love my songs
But here we go again with the double stroke
And I ain't talking dirty I ain't makin no jokes nu uh nu uh
And he could play all night whatever get you hype girls whatever gets you high.
'Cause ain't nodody got a drummer like mine,
He can bang them sticks
He can throw them high come on
I got a thing for a drummers
Had a big chase of my heart
I gotta thing for drummers
So baby show off all them tricks and bang them sticks
I got a thing for a drummers
Had a big chase of my heart
I gotta thing for drummers
So baby show off all them tricks and bang them sticks
I love it when it's loud
I love it when it's big
You can feel it in the crowd
Come on bang dem sticks
I said I love it when it's loud
I love it when it's big
'Cause you can feel it in the crowd
Come on bang dem sticks
Come bang dem sticks, bang dem sticks
Come on bang dem sticks
So baby show off all them tricks and bang them sticks
Come on bang dem sticks
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