Maher Zain Radhitu Billahi

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Radhitu BillahiMaher Zain

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Maher Zain Radhitu Billahi Song Lyrics

Maher Zain - Radhitu Billahi Sözleri

[Hook: Maher Zain]

Radhitu billahi Rabba

Wa bil Islami deena [x2]

Wa bimuhammadin salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam

Nabiyyan wa Rasoola

[Verse 1: Maher Zain]

Allah You're the source of life

And You're the source of truth

To obey You I strive

And my aim is pleasing You

Allah You are the only One

Your promise is always true

You don't need anyone

But we're all in need of You

And I sincerely pray

To be among the ones You love

And until my final day

I'll say in all my prayers

[Hook: Maher Zain]

Radhitu billahi Rabba

Wa bil Islami deena [x2]

Wa bimuhammadin salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam

Nabiyyan wa Rasoola

[Verse 2: Maher Zain]

My eyes cannot see You

And yet my heart believes

Your miracles surround me

So clear and easy to see

Allah You are the greatest

And I submit to You

You know my deepest thoughts

You know everything I do

And I sincerely pray

To be among the ones You love

And until my final day

I'll say in all my prayers

[Hook: Maher Zain]

Radhitu billahi Rabba

Wa bil Islami deena [x2]

Wa bimuhammadin salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam

Nabiyyan wa Rasoola

Sallou 'ala an-Nabi [x9]

[Hook: Maher Zain] [x2]

Radhitu billahi Rabba

Wa bil Islami deena [x2]

Wa bimuhammadin salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam

Nabiyyan wa Rasoola

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