Maher Zain Atif Aslam - I'm Alive

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Atif Aslam - I'm AliveMaher Zain

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Maher Zain Atif Aslam - I'm Alive Song Lyrics

Maher Zain - I'm Alive Sözleri

You’re the reason my life’s worth living

You’re the reason I’m alive

I’d be lost without You

You’re the reason that I strive

You’re my destiny

You’re my reverie

You’re the reason that I breathe

You are all that I believe

Ilahi, ilahi, ilahi, Maula

Ilahi, ilahi, ilahi, Maula

(My Lord, my Lord, my Lord, my Master)

Ho malang mein

(Like a wandering mystic)

Zindagi ki raah chal chala

(I have set forth on this journey called life)

Hai Khuda ek tera mera

(One Creator for you and me)

Hai ek falsafa

(This is my philosophy (in life))

Khana’badosh hon

(I'm a nomad traveller)

Mein madhosh hon

(I'm lost in a trance)

Tere ishq mein

(In Your supreme love)

Mein sharaboor hon

(I am deeply submerged)

Ilahi, ilahi, ilahi, Maula

Ilahi, ilahi, ilahi, Maula

(My Lord, my Lord, my Lord, my Master)

For so long I’ve been denying

But now I feel like I’m flying

I’m alive, I’m alive, I’m alive

Now nothing seems impossible

With You I feel unstoppable

I’m alive, I’m alive, I’m alive

Khana’badosh hon

(I'm a nomad traveller)

Mein madhosh hon

(I'm lost in a trance)

Tere ishq mein

(In Your supreme love)

Mein sharaboor hon

(I am deeply submerged)

Ilahi, ilahi, ilahi, Maula

Ilahi, ilahi, ilahi, Maula

(My Lord, my Lord, my Lord, my Master)

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