Luke Bryan Huntin Fishin Loving

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Huntin Fishin LovingLuke Bryan

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Luke Bryan Huntin Fishin Loving Song Lyrics

If I could make a living walking in the woods
You could bet I'd be sitting pretty good
High on a hill looking at a field downwind
If I could make a nickel off a turning 'em bass
Never worry about the price of gas
I'd be wheeling and dealing and sitting there reeling 'em in
A huntin', fishin', and lovin' every day
That's the prayer that a country boy prays
Thank God He made me this way
Huntin' and fishin' and lovin' every day
Early in the morning and late in the evening
I'm getting red dirt rich and Flint River pay
Huntin' and fishin' and lovin' every day
Well I'd get a little farm-pond bus
Sound of gravel when I'm backing up
And pulling the string on a nine-point-nine-two stroke
I love it when my baby wants to roll with me
Throws her boots on, climbs in a tree
Tucking her hair in my hat and she's ready to go
We get to huntin', fishin' and lovin' every day
That's the prayer that a country boy prays
Thank God He made me this way
Huntin', fishin' and lovin' every day
Early in the morning and late in the evening
I'm getting red dirt rich, Flint River pay
Huntin' and fishin' and lovin' every day
Well huntin' and fishin' and lovin' every day
I wanna see them tall pines sway
Huntin', fishin', and lovin' every day
That's the prayer that this country boy prays
Thank God He made me this way
Huntin', fishin' and lovin' every day
Black coffee in the morning and dark of whiskey in the evening
I get red dirt rich and Flint River pay
Huntin', fishin' and lovin' every day
Won't you come along with me
Won't you come along with me
I know you'll wanna see
Huntin' and fishin' and lovin' every day
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