Lil Nas X C7osure

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C7osureLil Nas X

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Lil Nas X C7osure Song Lyrics

True say, I want and I need
To let go, use my time to be free
It's like it's always what you likeIt's always what you like
Why it's always what you like?
It's always what you like, uh

Ain't no more actin', man, that forecast say I should just let me grow
No more red light for me, baby, only green, I gotta go
Pack my past up in the back, oh, let my future take ahold
This is what I gotta do, can't be regrettin' when I'm old

Brand new places I'll choose and I'll go, I know
Embracin' this news I behold unfolding
I know, I know, I know it don't feel like it's time
But I look back at this moment, I'll see that I'm fine
I know, I know, I know it don't feel like it's time
I set boundaries for myself, it's time to cross the line

True say, I want and I need
To let go, use my time to be free
It's like it's always what you like
It's always what you like
Why it's always what you like?
It's always what you like, uh

Ain't no more actin', man, that forecast say I should just let me grow
No more red light for me, baby, only green, I gotta go
Pack my past up in the back, oh, let my future take ahold
This is what I gotta do, can't be regrettin' when I'm old


lil nas c7osure
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