Lee Brice That Way Again

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That Way AgainLee Brice

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Lee Brice That Way Again Song Lyrics

He used to hold her hand, he used to hold her door
But she don't know what that feels like anymore
Just last night he was sleeping and she kissed his face
He said I gotta work in the morning and he rolled away
He used to love her like crazy, you couldn't pull 'em apart
God, she felt so unbelievable in his arms
But now she's catching her self looking down at her ring every now and then
She don't want him to leave, she just wants him to be that way again
So this morning she had coffee with a brand new friend
She still had a half of a cup left when he asked her, "Can I see you again?"
That made her smile like she hadn't smiled in years
And in just a second that smile turned into tears
He used to love me like crazy, you couldn't pull us apart
God, I felt so unbelievable in his arms
But now she's catching herself looking down at her ring every now and then
She don't want to leave, she just needs him to be that way again
She left that little café, she headed straight to her car
She picked up her phone, he didn't say hi, he just said
"Hey, when you getting home?"
She said, "You used to love me like crazy, you couldn't pull us apart,
God, I felt so unbelievable in your arms,
But now I'm catching myself looking down at my ring every now and then.
I don't want to leave you, I just need you to be that way again.
I don't want to leave you, I just need you to be
That way again."
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