Lee Brice She Aint Right

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She Aint RightLee Brice

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Lee Brice She Aint Right Song Lyrics

She got her daddy's tongue and temper
Sometimes her mouth could use a filter
God shook his head the day he built her
Oh, but I bet he smiled.
She loves and lives her life unruly
Tears up that dirt road up in a dualy
Dangerous, absolutely.
And in a little while,
She'll be roundin' that corner on three wheels
Ain't slowin' down, yellin' "come on, jump in"
Always up to somethin', crazy got nothin' on her
She ain't right, she ain't right
She ain't right, but she's just right for me
She says she wants to meet my momma
I said, I don't think you oughta
Be like mixin' oil and water
But by midnight she had
Momma on the coffee table dancin'
Comin' unwound
Good God I swear, can't take her anywhere
What's the girl gonna do next
She ain't right, she ain't right
She ain't right, but she's just right for me
Every once in a while she'll give me that smile and say,
I just don't see somebody like you lovin' somebody like me
She ain't right, naw she ain't right
She ain't right
She ain't right, she ain't right
She's just right, she's just right,
She's just right for me
She's just right, she's just right.
She ain't right, she's just right for me.
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