Kat Dahlia Do Better

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Do BetterKat Dahlia

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Kat Dahlia Do Better Song Lyrics

Guy 1:] 'S'mofo butter layin' me to da' BONE! Jackin' me up... tight me!
I'm sorry, I don't understand
Cutty say 'e can't HANG!Oh stewardess! I speak jive
Oh good!
He said that he's in great pain and he wants to know if you can help him
All right. Would you tell him to just relax and I'll be back as soon as I can with some medicine?
Jus' hang loose, blood

Could have run to my arms, but you run to the rocks
How do I heal all these scars after you've taken your shots?
And my faith is in my hands and my vice is on my mask
I guess God can't understand what I've been trying to ask
And now I'm losing every hand
And somehow I lost my grasp
And my mind's in chains and bands
From memories of our past
I guess God can't understand
What I've been trying to ask

And he says I know, I know, I know, (I know, I know)
I hurt you once before (before, before)
But I can do better (do better, do better, do better)
Please let me do better (better)

If I tried to be blind
Through the signs I'd decide
You are real, you are mine
But I ain't blind
I'm ain't trying for you
Baby I resign
And I'm hearing all the chimes
I'll follow til' I find
And if I had a thousand lives
I would leave you a thousand times
And my mind goes through the lines
And memories of your crimes
I ain't trying for you
Baby I resign

And he says I know, I know, I know, (I know, I know)
I hurt you once before (before, before)
But I can do better (do better, do better, do better)
Please let me do better (better)

Tell myself I couldn't care less
Whatcha doing if you're a mess?
I ain't trying for you
I put you to rest
For a reason
Staying strong is my test
Baby you thought you had me
In my way you did
I realized you ain't shit
Now I don't need you
I can confess
It's for a reason
This is my test

And he says I know, I know, I know, (I know, I know)
I hurt you once before (before, before)
But I can do better (do better, do better, do better)
Please let me do better (better)
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