Jason Derulo What If

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What IfJason Derulo

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Jason Derulo What If Song Lyrics

Jason Derulo What If Şarkı Sözleri

What if?
What if I'm the one for you?
And you're the one for me?
What if...

If you are the one
Then us meeting here is fate
Future with a dog named Ben
Buy a house with a fireplace
This is the first I've seen your face
But there a chance we are soulmates
I know that this might sound crazy
Cuz you don't know my name

But we can't
We can't tell
The future no
The first kiss, the beauty of the world we know
So Imma say duuuduuu duuuduuu duuudu duuudu
Baby, what if
We all can say duuuduuu duuuduuu duuudu duuudu
Baby, what if

What if

Picture me on one knee
With the perfect diamond ring
We just met, but if you say "yes"
We'd have our wedding on the beach
It could happen, raise three kids
And we grow old so happily
I know this may sound crazy
Cuz I don't know your name

But we can't We can't tell
The future no
But that's just, the beauty of the world we know
So Imma say duuuduuu duuuduuu duuudu duuudu
Baby, what if
We all can say duuuduuu duuuduuu duuudu duuudu
Baby, what if

Don't know what tomorrow brings
But i'm still hoping
That you are the one for me
Oh and what if I had you and what if you had me and
Baby, what's the reason we can't fall in love?
What if
What if
What if

But we can't
We can't tell
The future no
But that's just the beauty of the world we know
So Imma say duuuduuu duuuduuu duuudu duuudu
Baby, what if
We all can say duuuduuu duuuduuu duuudu duuudu
Baby, what if

But we can't
We can't tell
The future no
But that's just the beauty of the world we know
So Imma say duuuduuu duuuduuu duuudu duuudu
Baby, what if
We all can say duuuduuu duuuduuu duuudu duuudu
Baby, what if

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