James Blunt High

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HighJames Blunt

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James Blunt High Song Lyrics

Beautiful dawn- lights up the shore for me
There is nothing else in the world
I'd rather wake up and see (with you)
Beautiful dawn- I'm just chasing time again
Thought I would die a lonely man, in endless night
But now I'm high; running wild among all the stars above
Sometimes it's hard to believe you remember me
Beautiful dawn (beautiful dawn)- melt with the stars again
Do you remember the day when my journey began?
Will you remember the end (of time)?
Beautiful dawn (beautiful dawn)
You're just blowing my mind again
Thought I was born to endless night, until you shine
High; running wild among all the stars above
Sometimes it's hard to believe you remember me
Will you be my shoulder when I'm grey and older?
Promise me tomorrow starts with you
Getting high; running wild among all the stars above
Sometimes it's hard to believe you remember me
Cry; running wild among all the stars above
Sometimes it's hard to believe you remember me
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