IC3PEAK Tpek Tekct

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Tpek TekctIC3PEAK

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IC3PEAK Tpek Tekct Song Lyrics

I cannot sleep again, only your face I see
In the darkness everything survives, I’m looking for what’s mine by touch
There is emptiness in the muddy mirror, I am today and I am yesterday
How can I fool myself to breathe easily

Fear, fear, fear, fear
Death is shooting again

The bullet flies off, I am in union with pain
It’s pouring, death shoots again
The bullet fliess off, I would ask myself
Is this my strength

Dead moon, smiles
Dead moon, grins
Dead moon, smiles
Dead moon, grins
Fear, fear, fear, fear
Death is shooting again

The bullet flies off, I am in union with pain
It’s pouring, death shoots again
The bullet fliess off, I would ask myself
Is this my strength

I’m looking at you ferociously, but you don’t care, I will see myself
Life happens on its own, I again remember who I am
I’m looking at myself ferociously but I don’t care, I will see myself
Life happens on its own, I again forget who I am

I cannot sleep again, only your face I see
In the darkness everything survives, I’m looking for what’s mine by touch
There is emptiness in the muddy mirror, I am today and I am yesterday
How can I fool myself to breathe easily
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