Ibrahim Tatlises Xeydoke Nagrim

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Xeydoke NagrimIbrahim Tatlises

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Time: 07:39 Size: 10.53 Mb Downloaded: 5 Views: 147


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Ibrahim Tatlises Xeydoke Nagrim Song Lyrics

Siverek asmasiyam siverem basmasiyam
Hani doktor getirme esmerler hastasiyam
Hani doktor getirme güzeler hastasiyam

Haygidi haygidi hay haygidi haytoki
Basina te zerawe mila setila tehonki
Le gidi haytoki sirine se memoki
Basina te zerawe mila setila tehonki

Nawa kizi kendale kuca kize hezale
Lavuk hasker behale hay haygidi haytoki
Hortu hasker bemale hay haygidi haytoki
Haygidi haygidi hay haygidi haytoki

Basina te zerawe mila setila tehonki
Le gidi haytoki sirine se memoki
Basina te zerawe mila setina tehonki

Le le le vaye gariban le vaye bemalo le vaye bekaso le vaye lele lele...vaye vaye...haye haye...
Balangoze le vaye gurbatliyo le vaye mahkumo le vaye cobreso le vaye kurmanco le vaye huy huy... le haye haye haye... le hayeeee
Ah di gociya ye belindir medar naben ah ah newane kuren be ah namen huyi huyi...haa haye haye...

Ah ah le go kiza meze mane le lo delo kiza meza mane be dostizu yar namen ha yay ha yay...haye haye...aya yay
Ah vara gezalim gezalim gezalim gezalim de goser tahlan tusi mini var re barche sekir tahlan tusi mini tiro niya camamamini huyi huyi...haye haye...hayee

Vakelaci kelaye doriwi ker welaye
Meren emri hadeye wekatenci welaye
Meren emri hadeye lo wekatenci welaye
Haygidi haygidi hay haygidi haytoki
Sirine se memoki le men gidi haytoki
Le gidi haytoki sirine se memoki
Basina te zerawe mila setila tehonke
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