Hooverphonic Dirty Lenses

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Dirty LensesHooverphonic

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Hooverphonic Dirty Lenses Song Lyrics

So you take your chances
Look through dirty lenses
Unintended consequences
We don't need your ugly fences
We'll make our own way out of here
Start a car
Get away
There's so much you could see today
If we don't escape
We'll turn into
Everything we hate
But tell me, do
We even have a chance?
If we don't escape
The things we do
Won't make a difference
It's just me and you
And all our best laid plans
So we've run right off the map
Get away from all the traps
Inevitable consequences
Living only present tenses
Only living for the now
Start a car
Get away
There's so much you could see today
If we don't escape
We'll turn into
Everything we hate
But tell me, do
We even have a chance?
If we don't escape
The things we do
Won't make a difference
It's just me and you
And all our best laid plans
If we don't escape
We'll turn into
Everything we hate
But tell me, do
We even have a chance?
If we don't escape
The things we do
Won't make a difference
It's just me and you
And all our best laid plans
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