Grey For The Night

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For The NightGrey

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Grey For The Night Song Lyrics

Broke nights
All we got is us
Nowhere we got to beHeadlights, just lookin' for a rush
Chasin' the in-between

We get our highs without the pills for a moment
Breaking out limits for the thrill, like it's all we know
Don't got a dollar to our names
But we always find our way
And we're never gonna stop, no

We might not always know how we get it by
But that doesn't mean that we're broken up inside
One day we'll live it up in the higher life
But till we get there we're livin' for the night

But till we get there we're livin' for the night

But till we get there we're livin' for the night

Talk down
Just us against the wind
No plans we got to make
Hot blood, in fresh adrenaline
Takin' my breath away

We get our highs without the pills for a moment
Breaking out limits for the thrill, like it's all we know
Don't got a dollar to our names
But we always find our way
And we're never gonna stop, no

We might not always know how we get it by
But it doesn't mean that we're broken up inside
One day we'll live it up in the higher life
But till we get there we're livin' for the night

But till we get there we're livin' for the night

But till we get there we're livin' for the night

(Night, all the night)
(Night, all the night)


grey for the night
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