Gio Pika Black Dolphin

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Black DolphinGio Pika

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Gio Pika Black Dolphin Song Lyrics


(Gio Pica):

And there is a fountain with a black dolphin near Orenburg

And in life only once saw him

To all those who passed him

Fountain with a black dolphin

(Gio Pica):

Imagine brothers that dolphins have walls

The corridors are long, the windows are grille, litvin

And people back to top like dolphins

In the eternal voyage for evil deeds

(Gio Pica):

It’s not customary to count days, count years

And there is no second call, messenger, freedom

The most daring sinners will break there

Vile, with tears all fresh

(Gio Pica):

All days are there - everyday life, all hands are in blood

And do not get out of there like on a submarine

They will drag you into the depths of the Sol-Iletsky depths,

The world's only evil Black Dolphin

(Gio Pica):

A fountain with a dolphin, all your life past you

Here stigmatized labeled sentenced for life

And if the punishment is strength

After all, there will be no peace in the world

While the water murmurs in the fountain with a dolphin
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