Generationals Keep It Low

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Keep It LowGenerationals

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Time: 03:16 Size: 3.01 Mb Downloaded: 1 Views: 8



Generationals Keep It Low Song Lyrics

Your voice on the phone, keep it low

Your voice on the phone, keep it low

Your voice on the phone, keep it low

Keep it low

If you want to stay I will put you up

I've been in the shadow you are in now

At the dusk of the day, have I done enough

To tell myself I didn't really let you down?

In my haste to follow you

I got tortured for what I done

Found my faith in solitude

Now I don't talk to anyone

Your voice on the phone, keep it low

Your voice on the phone, keep it low

Your voice on the phone, keep it low

Keep it low

Your voice on the phone, keep it low

Give us something we can sway to

We get a lot of the day to

We got allowed in the day to

Anyone can see they got a piece of us

It's better to be metal than diaphanous

Fall into a pattern of ambivalence

And calcify…
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