Gavin James Cigarette Break

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Cigarette BreakGavin James

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Gavin James Cigarette Break Song Lyrics

Just a cigarette break, leave the ashes on the fire escape
To burn away all the words we wanna say
I'm counting down every breath you take
It's just a cigarette break
Little fires, little talks and ticking clocks
Will take me higher, but you're the one I'm dreaming of
When all these moments pass away
Just a little too late
Oh, but I saw a spark
And I've never seen a more beautiful thing
Am I just dreaming?
Let's take it too far
'Cause every word you say colours me in
And should we begin before it's too late?
Say that you'll take a cigarette break
So innocent, but lies they always hurt the most when
The truth gets bent, I'm trying hard to make some sense
With all the words that you said
Was it all in my head?
But I saw a spark
And I've never seen a more beautiful thing
Am I just dreaming?
Let's take it too far
'Cause every word that you say colours me in
And should we begin before it's too late?
Say that you'll take a cigarette break
And all these emotions ruling my head
They won't let me sleep, they won't let me sleep
They're keeping me awake
From such a beautiful mistake
But I saw a spark
And I've never seen a more beautiful thing
I guess I was dreaming
We took it too far
'Cause with every word that you said, you reeled me in
When it was nothing, I guess it's too late
Oh, this bitter taste was just a cigarette break
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