Fikret Kizilok Why High One Why

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Fikret Kizilok Why High One Why Song Lyrics

Fikret Kızılok Why High One Why Sözleri

Come on everybody
We gonna sing all together tonight
About depression , imitation , implation, depolititation
All together . Don't worry. Come on now

Adidasla tekkelere gidersin
Baklavayla whiskyleri içersin
Nescafeyle falimiza bakarsin
Bu can sana kurban olsun

Benetton'dan esofmani giyersin
Jogging yapip nefesini açarsin
Sapir sapur balgamlari atarsin
Bu can sana kurban olsun

Come on everybody
We gonna sing together rightnow
Clap your hand haydi

I say why
High! One!
Why high one why

Allright now baby. Right now baby
Go now! Go now!
You know manuplation?

Mercedesle hacetine gidersin
Istemeden ahaliyi ezersin
Tuvalete karikatür çizersin
Bu can sana kurban olsun

Aksam olur gazinoya gidersin (you know man gazino? ayayaya)
Assoliste çelenk ikram edersin
Evdekilere de dayak atarsin Bu can sana kurban olsun

Rightnow baby! Come on every body
We gonna sing together! All together
Clap your hand! Haydi!

I say why
High! One!
Why high one why

Rightnow baby
Go now
Come on Abdullah go!

Memleketin her tarafi dag midir?
Rock'N'Roll'a mapushane var midir?
Ölen ölür kalan saglar sag midir?
Bu can sana kurban olsun

Rightnow baby! Come on every body
We gonna sing together! All together
Clap your hand! Come on now! Don't worry

I say why
High! One!
Why high one why

Rightnow baby
Go now

Elveda everybody thank you very much
Elveda! Elveda! Allah'a emanet!

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