Ferry Corsten Its Time

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Its TimeFerry Corsten

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Time: 03:58 Size: 3.65 Mb Downloaded: 0 Views: 7



Ferry Corsten Its Time Song Lyrics

A week or a day since you took your touch away
A second that was mine is now in the past
I've been tryin' to hide all that you left behind
I'm protected by hope that one day you'll be back
Spendin' my time waitin' for your heart to find a moment that is mine
I'm countin' on time to bring your love back to me
Don't let it pass you by
It's Time
Every word that you said is still alive inside my head
The footprints of your eyes were deep in my mind
I want to move on but history is hard in me still
I'm trapped in the loop still I give us a chance
Spendin' my time waitin' for your heart to find a moment that is mine
I'm countin' on time to bring your love back to me
Don't let it pass you by
It's Time
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