Exodus Bonded By Blood

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Bonded By BloodExodus

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Time: 03:47 Size: 3.48 Mb Downloaded: 0 Views: 70


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Exodus Bonded By Blood Song Lyrics

Black magic rites on this black evil night
Begin with the slice of the blade
Metal and blood come together as one
Onlookers they gasp in dismay
Taste the sweet blood of one another
Sharing without any greed
Bang you head as if up from the dead
Intense metal is all that you need
Murder in the front row
Crowd begins to bang
And there's blood upon the stage
Bang you head against the stage
And metal takes its price
Bonded by blood
Metal takes hold death starts to unfold
It's loud like the worlds at an end
Your in a blood fury the metal won't stop
Onlookers they bang at command
Cutting your palm and drinking your blood
The power that few others dare
You feed the need to go out and kill
The same need that your blood brother shares
Murder in the front row
Crowd begins to bang
And there's blood upon the stage
Bang you head against the stage
And metal takes its price
Bonded by blood
Black magic rites on this black evil night
Begin with the slice of the blade
Metal and blood come together as one
Onlookers they gasp in dismay
Taste the sweet blood of one another
Sharing without any greed
Bang you head as if up from the dead
Intense metal is all that you need
Murder in the front row
Crowd begins to bang
And there's blood upon the stage
Bang you head against the stage
And metal takes its price
Bonded by blood
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