Enya One by One

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One by OneEnya

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Time: 03:54 Size: 3.59 Mb Downloaded: 12 Views: 216


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Enya One by One Song Lyrics

Here am I
yet another goodbye!
He says Adios, says Adios,
and do you know why
she won't break down and cry?
-she says Adios, says Adios, Goodbye.

One by one my leaves fall.
One by one my tales are told.

It's no lie,
she is yearning to fly.
She says Adios, says Adios,
and now you know why
he's a reason to sigh,
- she says Adios, says Adios, Goodbye.

One by one my leaves fall,
One by one my tales are told.

My, oh my!
She was aiming too high.
He says Adios, says Adios,
and now you know why
there's no moon in her sky,
-he says Adios, says Adios, Goodbye.

No Goodbyes
for love brightens their eyes
don't say Adios, say Adios,
and do you know why
there's a love that won't die?
-don't say Adios, Say Adios, Goodbye.

...don't say Adios, say Adios, Goodbye.
...don't say Adios, say Adios, Goodbye.
...don't say Adios, say Adios, Goodbye


enya one one
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