Emir Taha September

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SeptemberEmir Taha

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Emir Taha September Song Lyrics

I know that you’re fucking someone else and it don’t make sense now

Heard it from your friends, heard it from your friends now

You always said in the autumn years we’d end up together

But I ain’t seen your face since three Septembers

Young love knew my language native

Long distance relation

Ship sailed way up to LA and 

Heart broke when the leaves started changing

Birds flew and they immigrated

Time moved but I never came back

Back to our home location

It’s a taboo ain’t a conversation

I know that you’re fucking someone else and it don’t make sense now

Heard it from your friends, heard it from your friends now

You always said in the autumn years we’d end up together

But I ain’t seen your face since three Septembers

For whole season I can’t deal with

Summers freezing winters heated 

It gets heated

Split life living, runway driven

Timezone difference makes the distance longer

Don’t make a heart grow fonder

I know that you’re fucking someone else and it don’t make sense now

Heard it from your friends, heard it from your friends now

You always said in the autumn years we’d end up together

But I ain’t seen your face since three Septembers
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