Ebru Yashar Sen Bu Yaylalari Yaylayamazsin

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Sen Bu Yaylalari YaylayamazsinEbru Yashar

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Time: 04:40 Size: 10.73 Mb Downloaded: 0 Views: 122


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Ebru Yashar Sen Bu Yaylalari Yaylayamazsin Song Lyrics

Ebru Yaşar - Sen Bu Yaylaları Yaylayamazsın Sözleri

Sen bu yaylalari yaylayamazsin canim

Yaylayamazsin canim yaylayamazsin

Seni canimdan cok sevdim

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Soyleyemedim canim soyleyemedim

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Daylayamazsin canim daglayamazsin


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