Drenchill feat Indiiana-Hey Hey

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feat Indiiana-Hey HeyDrenchill

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Drenchill feat Indiiana-Hey Hey Song Lyrics

Just an ordinary day
'Til you came around
I had my feet on the groundSo much for that

Just an ordinary day (ordinary day)
'Til you came around
And now my life's upside-down
Imagine that
Imagine that

I heard you say
I heard you say
I heard you say
I heard you say

I heard you say (Hey Hey)
I heard you say (Hey Hey)
I heard you say (Hey Hey)
I heard you say (Hey Hey)

Just an ordinary day
'Til you came around
I had my head straight and sound
They've told me that

Just an ordinary day
'Til you came around
And now my life's on the boughs
Just like that
Just like that

I heard you say
I heard you say
I heard you say (Hey Hey)
I heard you say (Hey Hey)

Oh just drive
You got to sit tight
Close your eyes
And let your head go down
Let your feet up off the ground
And it's all because I heard you say
And it's all because I walked your way
I heard you say

I heard you say
I heard you say
I heard you say
I heard you say

I heard you say (Hey Hey)
I heard you say (Hey Hey)
I heard you say (Hey Hey)
I heard you say (Hey Hey)
I heard you say
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