Dido Sand in My Shoes

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Sand in My ShoesDido

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Dido Sand in My Shoes Song Lyrics

Two weeks away feels like the whole world should have changed,
But I'm home now, and things still look the same
I think I'll leave it 'til tomorrow to unpack,
Try to forget for one night that I'm back in my flat
On the road where the cars never stop going through the night,
To a life where I can't watch the sun set
I don't have time
I don't have time
I've still got sand in my shoes,
And I can't shake the thought of you
I should get on, forget you
But why would I want to?
I know we said goodbye,
Anything else would have been confused
But I want to see you again
Tomorrow's back to work and down to sanitation,
Run a bath and then clear up the mess I made before I left here
Try to remind myself that I was happy here,
Before I knew that I could get on a plane and fly away,
From the road where the cars never stop going through the night,
To a life where I can watch the sun set,
And take my time
Take all my time
I've still got sand in my shoes,
And I can't shake the thought of you
I should get on, forget you
But why would I want to?
I know we said goodbye,
Anything else would have been confused
But I want to see you again
I want to see you again
I want to see you again
Two weeks away,
All it takes,
To change and turn me around,
I've fallen
I walked away,
And never said,
That I wanted to see you,
I've still got sand in my shoes,
And I can't shake the thought of you
I should get on, forget you
But why would I want to?
I know we said goodbye,
Anything else would have been confused
But I want to see you again
I've still got sand in my shoes,
And I can't shake the thought of you
I should get on, forget you
But why would I want to?
I know we said goodbye,
Anything else would have been confused
But I want to see you again
I want to see you again
I want to see you again


dido sand shoes
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