Dermot Kennedy The Corner

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The CornerDermot Kennedy

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Time: 03:27 Size: 3.18 Mb Downloaded: 0 Views: 123


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Dermot Kennedy The Corner Song Lyrics

That should have never been your road
We should have stayed there on the corner
You know I'm always at your shoulder
Take your heart out of your holster
What if he never had to go?
What if we never knew October?
Would you run into the open?
Would you take back all they told ya? I'm
Holding, waiting for something
That'll keep you from the cold
It feels like winter follows you around
Holding, waiting for something
That'll keep you from the cold
So, just remember who you are
How you were never one for folding
How you never liked the corner
How the dark don't even know ya
Would you believe me in the car
What if I never dropped you home?
What if we drove until the morning?
You said you never loved before him, I'm
Holding, waiting for something
That'll keep you from the cold
It feels like winter follows you around
Holding, waiting for something
That'll keep you from the cold
You know me so you know I'm feeling lonely
I'm lonely right down in my heart
You know me so you know I'm feeling lonely
I'm lonely right down in my heart
Holding, waiting for something
That'll keep you from the cold
It feels like winter follows you around
Holding, waiting for something
Let me keep you from the cold
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