Darin Surrender

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Darin Surrender Song Lyrics

We were best friends
Even though I wanted more
Too afraid to ask
But I was always sure
I see you now and then
But my feelings never changed
You went and fell in love
Left me standing in the rain
I guess he stole your heart
But I see he broke it too
That's something I would never do
If only you would walk away
And be without the shadows left by him
He never loved you anyway
I wish that you would break and let me in
Surrender, surrender, surrender
Surrender, surrender, surrender
With every shot he fires
It's a bullet of the truth
It pierces your heart
But it pierces mine too
You masquerade the pain
With your miserable tears
But things are gonna change
When I make you forget his name
So now you're back in town
And I see you every day
Tonight I'm not afraid to say
If only you would walk away
And be without the shadows left by him
He never loved you anyway
I wish that you would break and let me in
Surrender, surrender, surrender
Surrender, surrender, surrender
I think you know it's been you
And nobody else
I've waited a long time
And I'll be damned if I just let you go
If only you would walk away (Walk away)
And be without the shadows left by him (Left by him)
He never loved you anyway (Anyway)
I wish that you would break and let me in
Surrender, surrender, surrender
Surrender, surrender, surrender
Woah oh
Surrender and leave
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